Please see the announcement from Colchester County below. Protect Wentworth Valley is registered to present on October 19th. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone is welcome to do a presentation; now is the time.
Please help us Protect Wentworth Valley.
From Colchester...
You are receiving this email as you’ve asked to be kept updated on the review of Colchester’s Wind Turbine Development By-law.
As you are aware, Municipal Council has asked the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), to undertake a review of the By-law. As part of this process, the general public, stakeholders, and developers from the wind energy development sector are invited to make presentations to the PAC members. Two in-person sessions will be held: Wednesday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 25th, from 6pm to 8pm, in Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of the County building, 1 Church Street, Truro. The online sign-up sheet is available here: Wind Turbine Development By-Law Review - Municipality of Colchester or call 902-897-3170 to register.
The length of each presentation will be determined by level of interest and will be communicated in advance of each session.