About Us
We are a group of concerned and caring citizens, permanent and local residents, and interested parties that are working to protect the natural beauty of Wentworth Valley from becoming home to industrial wind turbine development. One of the projects is a 100MW site on Higgins Mountain / Stevens Mountain, on the high ridge from the top of Folly Mountain west of Highway 4 down into the Wentworth Valley. This development would consist of 18 industrial wind turbines that are 190 m (623 ft) high to the tip of the blade. They are twice the height of the tallest building in Halifax, Fenwick Tower; giants compared to those currently operating in our province and each is as high as a 57-story building.
A second 100MW industrial wind turbine project is being proposed on property approximately 6kms Northwest of Debert including 16 to 20 industrial wind turbines. This project affects property from the Folly /Hart Lake area southeast of Highway 4, bordered by East Folly Mountain and moving back towards Central and East New Annan. These are projects currently proposed and do not reflect future proposals that would further the risk to the environment and quality of life in our communities. These proposals are in response to the Nova Scotia Rate Based Procurement.
While we understand the importance of renewable energy, we have many questions whether the Wentworth Valley is the right place for an industrial wind turbine development. It would be devastating to damage the Wentworth Valley that is enjoyed by so many local residents, other Nova Scotians, and national and international visitors. As an integral part of Tourism Nova Scotia, Wentworth Valley offers outdoor enthusiasts unsurpassed hiking, biking, walking, running, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, swimming, boating, paddle boarding, snowmobiling, ATVing, fly fishing, and scenic drives to see the spectacular Fall foliage. At a time when Nova Scotia grapples with obesity and mental illness, we believe promoting exercise, health, and wellness goes hand in hand with protecting our incredible wilderness.
Our Goal
Wentworth Valley is a truly special place that has been enjoyed by multiple generations. Our goal is to protect its beauty for future generations by:
Ensuring that any wind turbine project in the Wentworth Valley area does not have a negative impact on the eco-systems, eco-tourism, and communities surrounding Wentworth Valley;
Ensuring that both locals and all Nova Scotians benefit over the long term from any wind turbine developments;
Providing a framework of learnings with other Nova Scotian communities considering wind turbine projects and to research, inquire and communicate accurate information on the communities' concerns with the potential wind turbine development in the area.
Images of Shetland Island wind turbine project:: www.cbc.ca/radiointeractives/thecurrent/winds-of-change-shetland