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The Wentworth Provincial Park is a well loved park and part of the fabric of the community. Two branches of the Wallace converge in the park and mountain views to the south make it a perfect place for walking, picnicking or quiet reflection.


The recently protected Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area includes nearly 5000 acres of old forests, brooks, waterfalls, lakes, ponds, wetlands and vernal pools. While it contains some excellent trails it also provides important core habitat for various Species-at-Risk.


The Nova Scotia Nature Trust currently protects an additional 200 acres of old growth forest and core Species-at-Risk floodplain habitat along the Wallace River bordering along the Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area.


Further Provincial and land trust protected properties are under consideration.


Nearby, to the west and south west is the Portapique Wilderness Area. It includes more than 5000 acres of old forest, unique micro-habitats and fascinating geology.


The construction of  624 foot wind turbines will mean the construction and blasting for new power lines, widened roads and new roads, gravel pits and substations - all off which will have a significant negative effect on habitat and wildlife. 


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