Thank you to all citizens who took the time to sign the below petition.
The petition outlines our three asks to the Nova Scotia Government, and was presented to the Nova Scotia legislature on Friday, April 22, 2022 by Tom Taggart, MLA.
Visit our Take Action page to find more ways you can help.
We, the undersigned, are calling on the Government of Nova Scotia to enact the following three items outlined in this Protect Wentworth Valley petition.
“Protect Wentworth Valley” is a group of concerned citizens dedicated to protecting the natural beauty, wilderness, endangered species, and outdoor tourism economy in the Wentworth Valley area for future generations. We support green energy and its importance for the environment.
There are industrial wind turbine projects being proposed in the Wentworth Valley area:
The proposed projects would each consist of up to 100MW; up to ~18 industrial wind turbines which would be up to 190 m (623 ft) high to the tip of the blade. The tallest of the turbines being proposed are twice the height of the tallest building in Halifax, Fenwick Tower; giants compared to those currently operating in Nova Scotia and each as high as a 57-story building.
These are currently proposed projects; future expected proposals would further risk the environment and quality of life in our communities.
Massive turbines threaten wildlife, endangered species, all aspects of telecommunication services and create huge environmental concerns. These projects disregard the peaceful enjoyment of the land by the residents and visitors in this area and will discourage future economic development.
The Wentworth Valley area is a unique part of Nova Scotia that governments must protect for future generations before it is too late. It is one of the last parts of Nova Scotia where forests have not been completely devastated. If the Wentworth Valley area is to remain a tourist/wildlife mecca, immediate action must be taken for appropriate land protection.
1. Prohibit industrial wind turbines in areas of important moose habitat and connectivity in Colchester/Cumberland, which includes the project areas as described in current proposals.
The proposed project are as represent a critical moose corridor between New Brunswick through Wentworth Valley into Nova Scotia and connects species between Portapique and Wentworth Valley Wilderness Areas. The project areas are critical for the recovery of moose. The NS government must be accountable for its commitments in the long- delayed NS Mainland Moose Recovery Plan (November2021), the Lahey Report, and their mandate to protect at least 20% of the total land and water mass of Nova Scotia for nature conservation by 2030. As publicly stated by Tory Rushton, Natural Resources and Renewable Energy Minister, in support of the Recovery Plan, “Not just do I think it’s achievable, it’s something that we need to do.”.
2. Enact Protection of the mainland moose core habitat designated in Colchester/Cumberland, which includes the proposed project areas, in the Nova Scotia Mainland Moose Recovery Plan.
In the Recovery Plan released in November 2021, Colchester/Cumberland has been designated as one of only 3 core habitats for the endangered mainland moose. The Mainland Moose Threat Assessment table noted “habitat loss, conversion, degradation, and fragmentation caused by clearing for wind farm turbines and associated fencing, roads, lighting, stress from light disturbance (flicker effect)”.
The proposed industrial wind projects will cause irrevocable devastation of the land. Clear-cutting, new roads, widening roads, blasting, concrete pads, fencing, flashing lights, flicker, sound, and on-going operation of these massive turbines threaten the Wentworth Valley Area. The wilderness, the endangered mainland moose recovery plan and the Wentworth Valley communities will all be hurt; for a mere 25 years (maximum life span of a wind turbine).
3. Designate the Colchester/Cumberland core habitat area of the endangered mainland moose, which includes current proposed project areas, as wilderness area under Nova Scotia’s Wilderness Areas Protection Act, to connect to the Portapique River and Wentworth Valley Wilderness Areas. This will help the Nova Scotia Government meet its mandate to protect at least 20% of the total land and water mass of Nova Scotia for nature conservation by 2030.